Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to the “6th World Conference on Health Sciences (H-SCI 2024)” which will take place on 01-03 November 2024, in Novotel Conference Center, Athens – Greece.
World Conferences on Heath Sciences aims to bring together the scientist of health with resources to discuss the scientific knowledge, intellection and research and especially to improve health status and qualification of care for individuals, families and communities in the scientific environment.
You may publish your article on a journal indexed by Scopus or Web of Science (ESCI) following a review process and by paying an additional registration fee. For more information…
Selected full papers will be published in Supporting Thomson Reuters Web of Science (SSCI, SCI, SCI-Expanded or ESCI) or SCOPUS indexed journals as Special Issues.
The Remain accepted full papers will be published as proceedings by International Leading Publishers and also submitted to SCOPUS, EBSCO, and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index – CPCI (ISI Web of Science) for evaluation for inclusion in the list.
Beside these, there are keynote speakers including the latest development, and workshops. You also have chance to discuss about your works which you want to publish with the editors of the most respectable journals of the world, and get warm connection with them.
Let’s meet in Athens, Greece.
Best Regards,
Prof. Dr. Kobus Maree, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Prof. Dr. Afsun Ezel Esadoğlu, Ankara University, Turkey
Start here to submit a abstract to this conference.